Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I came across this hand-made card by clairbug over at Etsy and it reminded me that I was overdue for a post. A good friend of mine introduced me to the wonderful world of  Etsy about a year ago and to say that I have been obsessed might be a bit of an understatement. For those of you who don't know, Etsy is "your place to buy and sell all things handmade". And by all things they definitely mean ALL things. I could spend hours searching through all of the great handmade, clothes, jewelry toys, housewares and random things that people make. 

Some of my favourite purchases include:
This great crayon purse. I have a little girl who loves to colour and this is so handy when we are out an about.

This amazing, handmade wooden toy. I bought this for my niece for Christmas and though she is only nine months old, I could tell she loved it. It was so well made, safe and non-toxic.

All things pillowcase dress. There are tons of people who are making gorgeous handmade dresses in different materials and styles at great prices. This style of dress is great because it grows with the child. As they get taller the dress gets shorter and can even be worn as a shirt. 

Art, lots of art. I have a few pieces but I would love to have the wall space for more. There are so many talented artist selling their pieces on etsy and its always nice to have an original work.

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